The false crises of global warming, health care, and so on, generated a debt crisis that will cripple America now that a real potential catastrophe has come ashore

The false crises of global warming, health care, and so on, generated a debt crisis that will cripple America now that a real potential catastrophe has come ashore

Over the last few decades, we’ve witnessed several events in which corporatists politicians convinced foolish Americans that crises were occurring in order to generate a crippling debt in the United States.  This was allowed due to the gullibility of many Americans, along with the encouragement of adult children who do not possess the self-worth to earn their own keep; the socialists.  And now that America faces a real crisis in the spread of the Coronavirus, our options are more limited than ever.

A crisis is defined by the American Heritage Dictionary as; “A crucial or decisive point or situation, especially a difficult or unstable situation involving an impending change.”  In other words, a crisis is an imminent problem, a change that must happen at a specific point in time or a serious catastrophe could ensue.

A good example of a crisis is the current challenge America faces with the Coronavirus.  Without decisive and immediate action, hundreds of thousands, maybe millions could die.

This is a REAL crisis.

But what of the many “crises” we’ve seen over the last few decades?

Climate Change Read more

The most important facets of quality education, and it is not teachers or schools

The most important facets of quality education, and it is not teachers or schools

It is not news that education in America is outrageously expensive and children are graduating from high school without the skills to productively contribute in real world.   According to Fareed Zakaria of CNN 

“On a recent international test, U.S. students ranked only 15th in the world in reading, 23rd in science and 31st in math. Overall, the World Economic Forum ranks the quality of our education at 26th.  What’s odd is that we’ve been outspending most developed countries by a long shot. In 2007, we spent over $10,000 per student versus the $7400 average for rich countries. “ 

Students blame teachers, teachers blame families, families blame teachers, the Democrats blame the lack of funding and the Republicans blame the unions.  There is truth to all sides of the discussion as much as there are falsehoods.   

What is really important and what can we truly change?  Read more

The illegalization of “price gouging” will always lead to unnecessary deaths and harm to victims of any crisis

The illegalization of “price gouging” will always lead to unnecessary deaths and harm to victims of any crisis

Reports are all over the news of retailers being warned not to “price gouge” products in high demand due to the spread of the Coronavirus.  As with so many politically motivated laws and regulations, such efforts will result in unnecessary deaths and harm to victims of a crisis.  Those who support such laws simply do not understand the basics of economics and markets, typically those on the political left, whether that be democrats or republicans.

Markets react to market forces.  Always, every time.

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