Why no top executives have been prosecuted for the financial crisis

Why no top executives were prosecuted for the financial crisis: The real answer

No top executives of major banks were prosecuted for the financial mess witnessed over the past decade because politicians and corporate banks regulated the market to protect themselves while placing the risk of investment on the shoulders of citizens and future generations.

How is this possible?  Are regulations created to protect the consumer?

The answer is no.

The housing regulations enacted over the past few decades were and still are an attempt to force the world view of a handful of politicians upon an entire industry, and in exchange for this the industry was given a means of shielding itself from the responsibility to act with reason and caution. Read more

The Perversion of Rights and the Baseball Field Trail of Blood: Steve Scalise and the Evil of James T. Hodgkinson

The Perversion of Rights and the Baseball Field Trail of Blood: Steve Scalise and the Evil of James T. Hodgkinson

Image courtesy of Gage Skidmore of FlickrToday we witnessed the inevitable progression of a society engulfed in an irrational, immoral, and perverted value system.  When the morality of any society does not question a “right” to health care, a “right” to a job, a “right” to another’s property, the very meaning of rights is wholly perverted and destroyed.

This is where America is today; and why yet another self-validated leftist felt it was his right to destroy in the name of demented and deranged justice.  This morning, blood was shed in an attempt to take the lives of congressmen by an outspoken supporter of Bernie Sanders.

This is of no surprise to those in the Tea Party Movement who understand how Sanders’ perversion of rights could lead to such a tragedy.

The time is NOW for those who love America and the values she was founded to stand up and have the courage to face friends, family, and foes to say, “YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO THE UNEARNED.  YOU NEVER DID AND YOU NEVER WILL.” Read more