The age of social distancing and widespread death due to the coronavirus illustrates still another profound reason to preserve and protect property rights in America. This means ending all Sustainable Development initiatives in the United States.
The UN Sustainable Development initiatives that permeate much of the United States in the form of economic development plans seek to mitigate the “sprawl” of single-family homeownership and replace such living conditions with mixed-use and high-density subsidized housing. If such centralized planning was fully implemented today, the death toll and economic destruction in America would be far worse due to its magnifying effect on the spread of infectious disease.
The entire Sustainable Development/Agenda 21 assault on private property rights is predicated on two main principles:
- Zoning laws are racist at their core, regardless of whether there is any evidence to support such a conclusion. The reasoning used is based upon statistics which show that minorities and disadvantaged groups primarily live in cities, while more affluent communities are predominantly non-minority populations. By the Supreme Court upholding the application of the “Disparate Impact” ruling in the case of Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs v. The Inclusive Communities Project, Inc., the United States codified this reasoning into law by stating that,
. . . a plaintiff may establish liability, without proof of intentional discrimination, if an identified business practice [housing] has a disproportionate effect on certain groups of individuals and if the practice is not grounded in sound business considerations.
(Emphasis added.)
In other words, statistics alone can convict and entire community of racism, regardless of whether the zoning laws mention anything in respect to the identity of the people who can and cannot live in a community.
- The “sprawl” of single-family homes and the infrastructure needed to support such developments, in comparison to mixed-use, high density housing, is destroying the environment.
The “solution” to the presumed racist zoning laws and environmental impact of single-family homes is simple according to the planners:
- Create massive tax incentives for developers to build growth centers, i.e. mixed use, high density living projects.
- Force growth centers in every ‘neighborhood’ in the country through boilerplate Sustainable Development documentation altered to fit state guide plans and land use blueprints (according to the Sustainable Development central planners, a ‘neighborhood’ is the equivalent of a census tract).
- Build a tax structure that transfers wealth from single family homeowners to high density properties by creating a two-tier property tax system. By doing so, single-family homeowners subsidize the services and schools of those in high density housing.
So, what does this have to do with COVID-19 and the events surrounding the Coronavirus pandemic?
It is evident that coronavirus infection rates are different based upon how closely people live. In areas where people live apart from each other infection rates are low and manageable. In densely packed cities and metropolitan areas, the results are vastly different.
Dr. Jerome Adams, the U.S. surgeon general, was cited by NPR as stating, “People of color are more likely to live in densely packed areas and in multigenerational housing situations, which create higher risk for spread of highly contagious disease like COVID-19.” Clearly, both the political left and right today agree that high density living will generate far more devastation to human life when a health emergency arises.
There are many Sustainable Development initiatives across the United States and they all share the aforementioned traits. Setting aside the clear moral hazards of such efforts rooted in people’s obvious and natural right to live free of forced support of others over their own values and priorities, there is a practical danger to forcing people into high density housing. The correlation of COVID-19 deaths and high-density housing is clear and unquestionable proof. There is no doubt that if the goals of the entire Sustainable Development push were achieved prior to the Coronavirus outbreak, the devastation to American lives and economy would be magnified immensely.
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