“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
To anyone paying attention and possesses the type of courage our forefathers possessed at our country’s inception, they know the time is now to peacefully retake our country. After this opportunity passes, a peaceful option may never return, and the enemies of America win.
Many governors are claiming to reopen their economies while keeping a stranglehold on private businesses’ ability to operate, and using the COVID-19 pandemic to vastly expand the surveillance state while continuing to treat American citizens like children. This “emergency” that has lasted months is becoming more an excuse by tyrants to impose their will upon everyone rather than a public health concern.
Emergencies do not have marginally more of an effect on a population than something such as the flu, and they do not last for months.
Across the country, we are facing governors who clearly adore their newfound dictatorial powers. For the first time we are being ruled by a handful of power-hungry politicians openly and without constraint. Voluntary interaction has almost completely stopped, and those who have done nothing wrong are being treated like criminals and caged like animals.
The disposition of America’s executive branch
Attorney General Barr recently stated on the Hugh Hewitt radio show, “The idea that you have to stay in your house is disturbingly close to house arrest.” America clearly has the power of the Executive Branch of the American government on their side, although there is certainly a question of how far.
A steadfast and principled stance by the Attorney General’s office is difficult to determine. On one hand, a strong commitment to the principles America was founded can be read in the Attorney General’s May 3rd press release, “there is no pandemic exception to the Constitution and its Bill of Rights,” and, “[t]he U.S. Department of Justice will continue to monitor any infringement of the Constitution and other civil liberties, and we will take additional appropriate action if and when necessary.”
Yet in the same press release, the final and most relevant justification was predicated only on the fact that such draconian laws are not applied evenly. The final point made in the press release states simply that a church was forbidden to hold services, but the state allowed for “similar secular conduct, such as a gathering of 16 lawyers in a large law firm conference room, the governor’s executive orders may constitute a violation of the church’s constitutional rights to the free exercise of religion.”
This is not a position of principle; it is a concern over the process of applying evenly an unjust law. Such a disposition could easily evolve into a vast expansion of government power, exactly what tyrannical governors want and crave.
It is clear if America will ever be the same again, we must lead the fight on our own and force the American government’s executive branch to choose a side, while hoping the patriotic portion of our policing forces stand for what is just.
The question as of this writing is which side does Barr and Trump fall when it comes to the application of principle? Does the Constitution and the Bill of Rights have a pandemic exemption or not? Does it really matter that an unjust law is not applied to everyone?
This teetering of judgment means true Americans must weigh heavily on the side of righteousness.
It is every American’s duty. Stand tall today, or tomorrow may be the first of many dark days before another opportunity arises.
For those who wish to stand and fight in peaceful resistance to this massive power grab, Americans must begin today to prepare for the inevitable:
On May 25th, will we memorialize the soldiers who died for our freedoms by peacefully defying the unjust orders of tyrannical governors?
On June 14th, will we honor our flag and what it has embodied for hundreds of years by peacefully defying the infringement of our clear, self-evident, and enumerated right to assemble?
Will there be a second American Independence Day on July 4th?
Or will we wait like servants to the will of the few until September 7th, Labor Day, to stand for our right to live and work as dignified Americans?
Could this possibly take until the anniversary of September 11th for Americans to realize the attack of 2001 may have never ended?
Will Americans stand tall and do what they must, or will we wait like sheep for someone to save us or until the “new normal” becomes normal?
Or will we wait until a peaceful resolution is no longer an option?
The time to choose is now.
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