A bombshell revelation: Unrestrained immigration, the minimum wage, and the political Left’s poisonous goal for American workers

Image from wikimedia.orgA politically imposed minimum wage¹ is considered by all democrats and many republicans to be an effort to improve the earning potential of less skilled workers. If this was true, is it not contradictory that those who support such government intrusion into employment agreements also support a massive influx of low-skilled workers who will unquestionably be hired, trained, and employed far below the minimum wage they supposedly support?

If such people were truly concerned that low skilled workers were not making a living wage, why would they at the same time welcome and enable those who will willfully and predominantly fill these jobs at a much lower rate?

Although these questions appear puzzling, when one understands the real intent of this politically motivated effort, the answer is quite clear.

Although the masses of people who support the minimum wage are either too lazy to do much more than parrot talking points or too unintelligent to think otherwise, the vast majority of politicians know exactly what they are doing and their true goal is shocking:

The minimum wage is not about helping low skill workers get ahead; it is intended to move as many Americans as possible from self sufficiency to dependence.  This is one of the fundamental pillars to forming a corporate government in America.

Photo by Laura Elizabeth Pohl of Flickr.comIt is important for politicians who seek corporatism in the United States to create a dependent population, whether that be workers or business owners.  Businesses owners’ dependency is spawn from corporate welfare and a regulatory environment that destroys competitionWorker dependence is spawn from an economic system that makes idleness and unproductively more favorable than employment.

The effect of a politically imposed minimum wage is, necessarily and obviously, an increase in the cost of human capital, in other words the cost to hire workers.  As with any increase in the cost of doing business, whether it is the cost to employ people or the cost to buy steel or wood, the demand for it decreases.  This is why there is never a substantive answer to the question, “If the minimum wage works, why not make it $1,000 an hour?” 

One would think, if those who support the minimum wage really wanted those workers to make more money, they would be the first group to insist upon a very stringent policy that would limit migrant workers from voluntarily attaining lower than minimum wage employment.  Furthermore, it would seem to follow that such people would also favor penalties on employers who happily employ such low wage workers in order to diminish the cost effect of the minimum wage. 

Yet they do not.  Why?  Because their intent is not to help low skilled workers find work, but in fact inhibit their ability to find gainful employment.  Therefore, it is important for those who seek a dependent society to impose as many barriers to honest work as possible.

By imposing an artificially high minimum wage, the benefit to leftists is immense. 

Such laws encourage businesses to either:

  1. Automate processes that previously required human labor
  2. Outsource that labor to other countries in which the cost of labor is low
  3. Hire workers that exist outside of the law, i.e. migrant workers.

No matter which option an employer chooses, the result is favorable to the politician who desires a dependent society because the result is the same: 

Americans who previously earned the dignity and self worth of financial independence are diminished and transformed into a person convinced they need the money and property of others to survive.

The obvious intent of supporting both the minimum wage and unfettered immigration is to price American workers out of the workforce while filling those jobs with people who have only known and lived in a government-controlled economy.  This is a clear path towards corporatism, and why those who wish to impose their value system on others, rather than advocate for freedom and self determination, take a contrary position on immigration and the minimum wage.

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[1] It is important to note here that most everyone supports a minimum wage, including capitalists; it is only a question of who imposes it.  Statist, i.e. Democrats, communists, Progressives, fascists, and many Republicans, believe politicians should set a ‘living wage’ based upon their political goals.  Capitalists believe the market should set the minimum wage.  For the purposes of this article, the reference to a minimum wage will imply a politically driven and implemented base income imposed upon every law abiding citizen regardless of the voluntary contracts they are willing to enter.

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